Friday, July 15, 2016

Pokemon Go : Two men fall more than 50th off cliff while playing mobile game

The two men climbeb over a fence to try and collect Pokémon, and are now in hospital in San diego following the accident .

Two men trying to collect virtual reality pokémon Go characters  in the popular smartphone game have reportedly been rescued after falling off a cliff in Encinitas, San Diego.

One man fell about 50 feet down  the cliff and the other fell between 80-90 feet down onto the beach, Encinitas fire battalion chief Robbie ford told The San Diego Union Tribune.

Both men were Teken to the city's Scripps La Jolle Hospital, Though the extent of their injuries is unknown.

Mr Ford said one of the men had told police that he and the other man had been playing Pokémon Go when they fell over the edge of the cliff.

Lifeguards treated the man who fell to the beach. Firefighters used ropes and harnesses to pull up the other man who had fallen part of the way down the ciff and was found unconscious.

Despite signs warning of the unstable ciff face, the men had climbed over a fence to go in search of Pokemon, San Diego Sheriff's departement said.

The incident is one of many international news items relating to Pokemon Go since the launch of the virtual reality game eartlier this month.

A teenager from Wyoming found a dead body in a river afetr she climbed over a fence to go in search of pokémon near her home.

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