Sunday, July 24, 2016

People Who Are Always Late Are More Successful and Creative

People Who never seem to make it to work on time are often chided as being rude and self-centered.But a closer inspection of the personality traits that belie this bad habit sheds a positive- even enviable- light on repeatedly leaving your friends and family members waiting at the restaurant.

As pointed out by Business insider's Sabrina Hoffman and John Stanley Hunter, having a somewhat disconnected sense of time can be linked to optimism, a type B personality, and a tendency to multitask both at home and at the office- all arguably positive traits. Here's than they actually types, while not as competitive and organised as type, are more creative, relaxed individuals who have a more lax perception of time. Finally, multitasking has a tendency to make you lose all sense of time- a phenomenon that any small-business owner or working mother has likely experienced firsthand.

While Hoffman and Hunter's assertions fall slightly short of scientific, they do make some good points. A tendency to look at the bigger picture rather than getting caught up in the minutiae of everyday life is what entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and artistic visionaries are made of. So what if you miss an appointment here and there?

Always running late? try out 30/30 productivity app and share your time-management tips below.

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