Friday, August 5, 2016

A man sees his life wife bleed to death to death her then wrote ? i am without words...

Dawson Willford and his wife were looking forward to the arrival of their first child, but her complicated arrival was one of the most terrifying experiences of his life.

"On July 7, 2016, at 24:13 am, my wife was dying. She underwent emergency cesarean section and fell into shock. I stood beside her and remembered all our disputes and things I've never done for her. I was scared, and told him my last goodbye. What would you say to someone knowing it's the last time you talk to him? I tired to comfort her, smile ans say that it was part of the operation. A code blue was announced and people  rushed into the room, she was shaking so much. I kissed her and asked God not to take it. I thought about all the times I did not go to church, how to tell the news to my family, I cloud not even enjoy my son, I had to be strong for the family."

"I was taken to another room where I waited 10 minutes. Jackie has shown, I wanted to hug her, to get her out of the hospital, tell him that all was well. O wanted to see this nightmare to end. Three minutes later, it lost about a liter of blood in seconds, I did not know what to say or do, she was dying in front of me, and another code blue was announced."

"I wondered why I did not pary every day, so i did not love his as much as God had loved me. I felt useless while trying to save my wife and repelled me. They took me with my son in another room. I saw my mother and familly. I wanted as long as someone takes me in his arms, tell me that everything would be fine. I never wanted to be a man, just cry! when I was asked how was Jackie, I collapsed. O wanted to go back in the room and hold her in my arms, but I had to look after my son. We had to give him antibiotics. I asked the nurse if I could go see my wife, they said yes. I went, making the corridor 40 meters. I have five market and put myself to cry. I was afraid of having to face the news, I wish my father comforted me. I still had a little more than 30 meters walking, and God spoke to me."Gabriel, my son, I love you more than you think. I saw the bleeding, I ensured that the deal quickly. I was waiting for you can call me. I will always love you. Just like you asked me to save your wife, I asked my father to save her."I walked with a heart full of love. My wife and son are well and soon will  come out of the  hospital."

A few days after these terrifying events, Jackie and son are well and have returned home. What emotions."

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