Thursday, August 4, 2016

With an ingredient that everyone has at home, your teeth will more that ever!

Mouthwashes are used by many people to maintain good oral hypiene daily,fresh breath, fight inflammation and other periodontal problems and tooth decay.

But did you know that many mouthwashes are actually not very effective or are harmful to health?

Germany's University of Bremen demonstrated through regular study that using mouthwash, more than three times a day increases the risk of cancer of the mouth and throat. And the following ingredients have a negative affect on the body.

Methyl salicylate
Ingest not even a teaspoon can lead to poisoning grade. Consume an overdose can lower blood pressure and cause vomiting, blindness and other problems.

Alcohol dries the mouth and can cause bad breath. And according to an Australian study there would be a link between alcohol and cancer of the mouth.

This often used at the dentist antiseptic shrinks blood vessels. But according to a study published in the scientific journal "Free Radical Biology and  Medicine"showed that mouthwashes containing it could cause a high blood pressure and serious heart problems. And even if you only use it twice a day.
Paraben is found in many deodorants and cosmetics and is an element at risk, many studies designating it as a responsible breast cancer.

If you are exposed too long in this antiseptic found in many mouthwashes, can be known psychological disorders.
To summarize, use mouthwash daily is not recommended. However, there are natural alternatives.

A healthy diet consists of firsts, vegetables, whole grain products, legumes and root vegetables improves oral health.

Rinse mouth with green tea for 10 minutes also reduces the number of bacteria that are responsible for dental plaque and works much better than chlorhexidine baths commercial mouth.

Of course, all this anly works if it's habits, and that you thoroughly clean the every day.

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